Intex is ranked 5 with 5.08% popularity |
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This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products |
This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Intex Pc Webcam Night Vision 601k (It-306wc) Webcam (Black) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.
Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.
Review Aspect | This Product | Similar Products |
Overall | 0 |
8.9 - 9.3 |
Service | 5 |
6.7 - 8.3 |
Video | 10 |
6.7 - 8.5 |
Brand | Intex |
Category | webcam |
Built In Microphone | No |
Color | Black |
Model Id | Pc Webcam Night Vision 601k (It-306wc) |
Warranty Service Type | If there is any technical issue with the products kindly contact the service center of the concerned brands'. |
Is HD | No |
Still Image Sensor Resolution | 30 megapixel |
Video Sensor Resolution | 30 megapixel |
Product Id | WCA39701 |
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