
Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)

  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)
  • Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)

Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg)

7 Kg , front load , fully automatic , 1200 rpm , system ,
  • 84
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.4
    star rating by 121
  • #3
    brand rank in this budget
Bosch is ranked 3 with 7.32% popularity

This is how Bosch brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Bosch products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Bosch in different price segments.

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
7 KG
7 - 8 Kg
Load Type
Front Load
Function Type
Fully Automatic
Spin Speed
1200 RPM
1200 - 1280 rpm

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Bosch WAK24268IN Fully-automatic Front-loading Washing Machine (7 Kg) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.5 - 9.2
3.8 - 6.3
6.7 - 8.3
5 - 6.7
8.7 - 9.2

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Best machine in the market"

"Best machine in the market"

"After wonderful service installation support of Bosch - the machine was installed and I am very happy with the product"

"The machine has no Vibration"

"This is very good washing machine"

" After more than 14 days of struggle, I gave up on Green Dust and sold the old machine to a scrap dealer who gave me better deal than what Green Dust had valued it on site"

" Installing a water filter is important as some particles may enter the machine making it difficult to maintain it"

" Beware that the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) can be damaged by rough or improper handling of the machine's controls (Buttons & Dial)"

" Check for any defects in your machine in order to avoid any maintenance headaches in the future"

" 😊Cons: If your house does not have enough water pressure, you will have a problem with the machine (machine keeps throwing E17 error)"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about detergent aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" And wash quality is superb with very less detergent and water"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about noise aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Very less noise and very stable"

"Pros:Excellent washing capabilityLess Noise and vibration feels like a flight engine"

" No noise, no vibration"

"Zero Noise"

" There is a annoying knocking noise while the machine tries to drain water, got it checked by Bosch, thankfully there is no problem with over all working of the machine, but the noise IS annoying"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"After wonderful service installation support of Bosch - the machine was installed and I am very happy with the product"

"Pathetic service and would like to return the product"

" My IFB machine was delivered brand new with defective PCB and even 6 months after filing various complaints with their service, IFB has not repaired that machine"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about warranty aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Bosch with 2 year warranty is so much better than IFB with their 4 year warranty and "10 years parts availability promise" because if something goes wrong, the machine will not be repaired even after 6 months"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about washing aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Good product, but needs higher water pressure to work"

"i am very happy about Bosch WAK24268IN washing machine as stated in product description by Bosch is very much true like silent in spin, cleans cloths nicely, iron safe etc"

" Excellent - uses less water than my earlier IFB, has many cycle options, including a separate one for jeans and cleans and dries clothes well - no issues at all"

"This is very good washing machine"

" Else, it washes the clothes perfectly"

"Had to spend 3.5K extra for - Cover, Descale 6 pack, Hard water filter, Extra hose & ConnectorMachine performance is awesome no complaints"

" In case you are curious, the Monsoon mode is used for washing rain soaked clothes that smell"

" 😊Cons: If your house does not have enough water pressure, you will have a problem with the machine (machine keeps throwing E17 error)"

" There is a annoying knocking noise while the machine tries to drain water, got it checked by Bosch, thankfully there is no problem with over all working of the machine, but the noise IS annoying"

Brand Bosch
Model WAK24268IN
Capacity 7 Kilograms
Water Consumption 47 Liters
Maximum Rotational Speed 1200 RPM
Noise Level 55 dB
Installation Type Free-Standing
Part Number WAK24268IN
Form Factor Front-Loading
Colour Grey
Control Console Fully Automatic
Product Id WAS20339

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