
Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)

  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)
  • Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)

Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black)

beard ,
  • 65
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.1
    star rating by 439
  • #2
    brand rank in this budget

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Panasonic ER-207-WK-44B Men's Beard and Hair Trimmer (Black) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.6 - 9.3
8.7 - 9.3
7.8 - 8.6
8.3 - 8.3
7.5 - 9.1
8.3 - 8.3
7.5 - 8.3

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"awesome trimmer better than Phillips that i had before"


"The best trimmer I have used till now"

"Excellent trimmer"

"Good trimmer but not best in range"

"In this I will tell you the Pros and Cons of thus trimmer"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about battery aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Very good Battery backup is awesome"

" Charging faster and long use battery so u don't need too charge every time"

"The only advantages I see over philips is corded use and slightly better battery and of course slightly better vibration of the motor"

" The motor is quite powerful and the battery did last for 40mins as promised"

" Otherwise this product is good in looks and other things like charge capacity, design etc"

"Battery problems not good"

" Only issue is its battery worns out in 12-18 months and is never available with service centre"

"Only issue is with its charger size "

" But no indicator when battery got full charged,unable to identity whether battery got fully charged or not"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about blade aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"The blade tips/tops are sharper (I cut a bit of skin running my fingers to check the sharpness) than philips which can scar the skin"

" The blade works good only from level 1"

" This one works well, has right amount of blade length settings and works much quieter than other trimmers"

" I felt like the blade is not sharp enough to perform precision cutting"

" Sharpness of blade is good and battery backup is up to the mark"

" The blades aren't sharp and as a result, you've to go over the same area multiple times"

"The build quality of philips trimmers these days feels really cheap and also the blade width is smaller as compared to panasonic one"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about feel aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"very smooth operation"

" Panasonic is very light weight and the ergonomic design feels great while handling it"

"It is compact, sturdy smooth in operation"

"Very useful and smooth operation"

" But this feels more powerful and has more power backup than the Philips"

"The build quality of philips trimmers these days feels really cheap and also the blade width is smaller as compared to panasonic one"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about hair aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Even then, you'll still have an uneven cut as well as patches of hair here and there"

" If you use it for clean trim then please don't go for it"

" If you are looking for a perfect zero level trim"

" Perfect trimming, comb is smooth and trimming without comb also very convenient"

" But when I got the product in hand I was disappointed while trimming in zero level"

"Even though the product make quality is good, it lacks precision while cutting hairs"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about material aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Yeah its good shaver with good material"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Best equipment. It gives me 4yrs best service"

"It gives me 4yrs best service"

" Only issue is its battery worns out in 12-18 months and is never available with service centre"

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