
SanDisk Blade64 64 GB Utility Pendrive (Black)

  • SanDisk Blade64 64 GB Utility Pendrive (Black)
  • SanDisk Blade64 64 GB Utility Pendrive (Black)

SanDisk Blade64 64 GB Utility Pendrive (Black)

64 gb , usb 2.0 , standard flash drive ,
  • 83
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.1
    star rating by 2065
  • #1
    brand rank in this budget

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
Storage Capacity
64 GB
32 gb

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of SanDisk Blade64 64 GB Utility Pendrive (Black) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.6 - 9.3
7.9 - 8.3
8.6 - 8.8
7.5 - 8.3

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Never felt any problem from this pendrive"

"Love this pendrive "

"This is very great pendrive for 64GB usage"

"I Had problems with Kingston pendrive which was not able to use with my car music system "

"Write/Transfer Speed for the this Pendrive is very slow"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about material aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"However,the built quality is quite good and the drive itself fixes perfectly"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about performance aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Speed is good around 5-7 MB/second for small files but for large files 1 MB/second is maximum"

" These old low speed drives were reliable"

" Plus the transfer speed is very slow"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"I am highly impressed with Flipkart fast service and genuine product in packet"

"flipcart service is well"

"Although flipkarts speedy delivery and service is ammicable"

"very bad service by flipkart"

" really very bad Services"

Interface USB 2.0
Brand SanDisk
Capacity (GB) 64 GB
Model Blade64
Type Utility Pendrive
Form Factor Standard Flash Drive
Color Black
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defects only
Warranty Summary 5 Years Warranty
Not Covered in Warranty Burnt or Physically Damaged
Value 1 Pen Drive
Product Id SPE5291

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