
SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)

  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)
  • SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)

SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version)

64 gb , uhs i ,
  • 38
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.5
    star rating by 213
  • #1
    brand rank in this budget
Sandisk is ranked 1 with 90.95% popularity

This is how Sandisk brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Sandisk products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Sandisk in different price segments.

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
Memory Capacity
64 GB
64 gb

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of SanDisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Up to 80MB/s - SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN (Newest Version) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.6 - 9.2
6.7 - 8
8.5 - 9.1
8.6 - 9.2

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Like other Ultra SD cards from Sandisk, this isn't recommended if you are trying to use it on a good professional grade camera"

"Just Bought This Card For Amazing Price"

" And since I click picture in RAW this is best memory card for your DSLR"

"Superb card"

"World's costlier card"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about camera aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"A must buy for recording videos"

"Works pretty well without video recording getting stopped"

"Like other Ultra SD cards from Sandisk, this isn't recommended if you are trying to use it on a good professional grade camera"

" Works pretty well without video recording getting stopped"

" Works perfect for recording videos non stop"

" The buffer dies trying to put the captured RAW files onto the card and the overall running of the camera becomes much slower"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about memory aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" And since I click picture in RAW this is best memory card for your DSLR"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about speeds aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Amazing speed"

"Very useful and speed of transfer is also good"

"Speed is very good"

" Also the read and write speed is commendable"

"A good product, however if you are using a D3000, you won't notice a drastic change in the read speed for your photos"

Brand SanDisk
Model Year 2015
Item Weight 50 g
Product Dimensions 3.1 x 2.4 x 0.2 cm
Item model number SDSDUNC-064G-GN6IN
RAM Size 64 GB
Memory Storage Capacity 64 GB
Digital Storage Capacity 64 GB
Batteries Included No
Batteries Required No
Product Id MEM57383

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