
Transcend 8 GB MicroSDHC Class 4 Memory Card

  • Transcend 8 GB MicroSDHC Class 4  Memory Card
  • Transcend 8 GB MicroSDHC Class 4  Memory Card

Transcend 8 GB MicroSDHC Class 4 Memory Card

8 gb , class 4 , microsdhc ,
  • 16
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.2
    star rating by 13151
  • #4
    brand rank in this budget
Transcend is ranked 4 with 2.66% popularity

This is how Transcend brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Transcend products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Transcend in different price segments.

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
Memory Capacity
8 GB
16 - 32 gb
Card Class
Class 10

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Transcend 8 GB MicroSDHC Class 4 Memory Card compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.8 - 9.3
7.8 - 9.1
8.3 - 8.8
7.5 - 8.4
8.2 - 8.9
8.3 - 8.9
5 - 6.7

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"About the sd card it is good"

"Working Great (Transcend Memory Card MicroSDHC 8GB Class 4 Review)"

"Very good memory card"

" all If u r using a Smartphone den Definitely buy dis 8gb cards its Awesome"

"Transcend Memory Card MicroSDHC supports Samsung Galaxy Y"

"Memory Card not working but still in WARRANTY PERIOD !"

" As its only a class 4 card it will absolutely slow in speed while using in a PC(Cant even create folder after exceeding 50% of disk space if that happen then system gets completely hanged) and the speed is moderately (not completely) good when using it on mobile and then connecting to PC"

"(my previous card (sandisk) used to corrupt my files that are not used for longer period of time)"

" , i think class 4 is enough ,because class 10 memory card would not support for some mobiles"

"This card is too slow for practical purposes"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about camera aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Moreover as today's smartphones get more camera capability (say 10+ 12MP shots in a second or high-def high-bitrate recording), it is absolutely necessary to get a fast card"

" No problem in Video recording and burst mode for camera"

" Moreover as today's smartphones get more camera capability (say 10+ 12MP shots in a second or high-def high-bitrate recording), it is absolutely necessary to get a fast card"

" All applications, all pictures, videos are running very smoothly"

" Its works good and will work with any mobile or camera with micro sd support"

" you get most of your HD videos almost stutter to death"

" you get most of your HD videos almost stutter to death"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about memory aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Working Great (Transcend Memory Card MicroSDHC 8GB Class 4 Review)"

"Very good memory card"

"Good part: You will get your order delivered with in two days, and if you need a enough memory space in a very less cost you can go for this"

"Transcend is best Company in Storage Chip Making"

"Transcend Memory Card MicroSDHC supports Samsung Galaxy Y"

"Memory Card not working but still in WARRANTY PERIOD !"

" , i think class 4 is enough ,because class 10 memory card would not support for some mobiles"

" dont buy YOu will never know when your memory would damage n your mobile and pc will ask for format only "

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about mobile aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Nice mobile"

"Speed of this card is class 4 and my mobile handle it better"

"Also buy a high end phone (say Samsung galaxy S4 or Xperia Z Ultra) and use a class 2 card"

" class 4 is the best for mid-range phones"

"First you should understand this is a class 4 microSD and is for general small end phones like galaxy ace,y or Nokia older phones and such basic smart mobiles "

"When i insert it in my phone's memory card slot,the phone hangs and nothing happens even by pressing keys and all that,,,, and after contacting flipkart they says there is no dealer available in chandigarh,so it seems not to be possible to replace,but i think flipkart should take headache to replace it with a new one bcz"

" Previously, I put only 2GB Mem card in that mobile and I shifted all the applications to SD card for which the mobile was acting damn slow"

" , i think class 4 is enough ,because class 10 memory card would not support for some mobiles"

" dont buy YOu will never know when your memory would damage n your mobile and pc will ask for format only "

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Good service from flipkart"

"Excellent Service"

"happy with the services"

"First of all, I am really happy with the service of Flipkart"

" Again outstanding service by Flipkart"

"They are not giving good service,"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about speeds aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"It was not original product, Last time I bought transced class 4 memory card from CTC hyd, its speed working with good speed but this memory card speed is too low it is approx 20 Kb/sec"

"1st of all D Price is very less As compare to othr brands 8gb cards, Data sending n write Speed is so fast more than 4mbps"

" transfer speed is too good compared to others"

"This a very good product everyone should buy it have great speed while transferring data to phone "

"good speed "

"Good product,I spend 224 rupees spend for this product,Value for money,card speed is too low,3mb/s writing speed,not sufficient for HD recording"

" As its only a class 4 card it will absolutely slow in speed while using in a PC(Cant even create folder after exceeding 50% of disk space if that happen then system gets completely hanged) and the speed is moderately (not completely) good when using it on mobile and then connecting to PC"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about warranty aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" also the warranty is equally important as MicroSD cards are very likely to get corrupted"

"5 years manufacturer warranty is good enough"

" also the warranty is equally important as MicroSD cards are very likely to get corrupted"

"5 years manufacturer warranty is good enough"

Sales Package 1 Memory Card
Brand Transcend
Card Class Class 4 Memory Card
Type MicroSDHC
Model ID MicroSDHC 8GB Class 4
Memory size 8 GB
Covered in Warranty Warranty of the product is limited to manufacturing defects only
Warranty Summary 5yrs
Warranty Service Type Authorized Service Center
Not Covered in Warranty If Damaged
Product Id MEM56350

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