Pigeon is ranked 5 with 3.04% popularity |
This is how Pigeon brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Pigeon products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Pigeon in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Power Consumption | 750 W |
750 W |
Weight | 1 KG |
0.5 - 0.7 kg |
This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Pigeon Glide Dry Iron compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.
Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.
Review Aspect | This Product | Similar Products |
Overall | 5 |
8.7 - 9.3 |
Clothes | 0 |
5.3 - 6.7 |
Steam | 10 |
4 - 4 |
Temperature Control | Yes |
Indicator Light | Yes |
Other Comfort Features | Mirror Finish Body, Pilot Lamp |
Cord length | 1.5 m |
Brand | Pigeon |
Model | Glide |
Type | Dry |
Part Number | Iron |
Power Input | 230 V |
Power Consumption | 750 W |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Soleplate type | Non-stick |
Covered In Warranty | Parts and Labor |
Not Covered In Warranty | Warranty shall not cover any damage resulting from adaptations or adjustments which may be made to the product. Warranty does not extend to cabinets, knobs, labels, or any accessories. Warranty does not cover the risk to the product caused by accident, lightening, water, fire, other acts of God, imp...View More Warranty shall not cover any damage resulting from adaptations or adjustments which may be made to the product. Warranty does not extend to cabinets, knobs, labels, or any accessories. Warranty does not cover the risk to the product caused by accident, lightening, water, fire, other acts of God, improper ventilation, dropping or excessive shock or any external cause beyond Philipss control. |
Height | 109 mm |
Width | 225 mm |
Depth | 109 mm |
Product Id | IRO17028 |
#1 Bajaj DX 2 Light Weight Dry Iron (Black)
#2 Bajaj DX 2 L/W Dry Iron (Grey)
#3 Bajaj Popular Plus Light Weight Dry Iron
#4 Crompton Greaves RD Dry Iron
#5 Maharaja Whiteline EASIO DI-104 Dry Iron (White & Red)
#6 Eveready DI100 Dry Iron (White,Blue)
#7 Bajaj Majesty DX 11 Dry Iron (White, Blue)
#8 Maharaja Whiteline Classico DI-109 Dry Iron (Blue)
#9 Citron IR001 Dry Iron (Purple)