
Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)

  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)
  • Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)

Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear)

over ear , over the head , 38 oHm , 3.5 mm jack , gold jack , noise cancellation , high bass , wired , 3 m cable ,
  • 72
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4.8
    star rating by 626
  • #1
    brand rank in this budget
Audio Technica is ranked 1 with 47.44% popularity

This is how Audio technica brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Audio technica products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Audio technica in different price segments.

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
38 OHM
30 - 36.5 oHm
Headphone Jack
3.5 MM
3.5 mm
Cable Length
3 M
1.2 - 1.4 m

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Audio Technica ATH-M50x Over-the-ear Headphones (Black, Over the Ear) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.8 - 9.3
8.9 - 9.5
8.1 - 8.1
9.5 - 9.5
Noise Cancellation
7.8 - 7.8
6.7 - 8.3
6.7 - 8.6
8.2 - 9.1

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Amazing Headphones for the price"

"Awesome set of Headphones!"

"Best Headphone in 10k INR ~"

"Awesome pair of headphones!!! Mind Blown!!"

"Brilliant pair of headphones"

"Bassless headphones..Do not recommend to any metal/Hard rock listener"

"You cannot go wrong in buying these headphones"

"Pure pleasure for all the audioheads out there who value music in true quality and its "not all about the bass" but the fine instruments that u miss in any ordinary headphone"

"Edit on 4/4/15: Use any cheap earphone and listen to Sarca from Apocalyptica"

"Initially, it looked like i have made a bad decision purchasing them but after listening for some hours, it became better and better, may be my ears started to fall for them"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about bass aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Good flat reproduction without having any levels purposely raised However not for bass hungry heads as the bass is deep and rich but not overly thumping like beats or bose ie2 which cause it to over power the other mids and highs"

" Extremely balanced bass & treble takes listening to a whole other altitude"

"will give you the right amount of bass"

"A balanced mix of bass, mid and treble , equalizes automatically to higher volume for the protection of ears to higher frequencies"

"Excellent build, amazing feel in the hands, has the optimum bass for someone who loves instrumentals"

" Their frequency response is near to flat, while that's good for monitoring but that may not be liked by bass heads"

"As an electronic music fan -- from BT, to KoanSOUND, Knife Party and Skrillex -- I was apprehensive when reviews said bass is not 'great'"


"Strictly not for over bass lovers"

"You can hear a lot of sounds which otherwise you would miss using a murky or over powering bass headphones"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about bluetooth aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"But if you going to buy it for 10-13k I am not sure if its really that good I mean I have PS4 gold wireless headsets and the quality of both is almost same"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about comfort aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Comfortable, stylish headphones for the beginner audiophile"

"Best - Build. Sound, Comfort, Quality - for the Price. I dont know what else you look for in headphones, Really!"

"Not that I've tried too many high end headphones, but I'm fairly certain that you can't get this level of comfort and audio quality for this price from any other set"

"-Nicely Fits, Comfortable"

" The comfort the sound the noise cancellation just perfect"

" The best feature being noise cancellation and comfort"

" Not comfortable for listening while you travel"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about durability aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" It has a very strong plastic casing, pleather headband and earcups and a metal supporting frame"

"Comfortable to wear for longer durations, very very durable and easy to handle , tough and awesome build quality"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about microphone aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"One thing I miss is inbuilt mic wish they had provided with a cable that has inbuit mic"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about noise cancellation aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" The comfort the sound the noise cancellation just perfect"

" I really liked them, they stop external noise, sound excellent, and last forever"

" Incredibly, the noise isolation is amazing"

" The best feature being noise cancellation and comfort"

" noise cancellation is fine, and sound is amazing "

" Very risky of completely missing out of external noise which may lead to accidents"

"Cir-cum aural design helps to isolate surrounding noise"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Excellent Product and Service from Flipkart."

"The Flipkart service was fast and the package was wonderfully packed"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about sound aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Real Beast for the Audio lovers..Excellent product : )"

"Brilliant sound, though it might be a little uncomfortable if you have a large head !"

"Great headset, awesome sound quality"

"Heavenly Sound"

"Best mid budget headphones for music lovers..."

"Sound quality overloaded !!"

"-High Price(Around 4000 Rs costlier than Audio Technica ATH-M50 on 5 july 2014)"

" The first song I listened to is Iris (goo goo dolls), and I was really disappointed with the sound quality"

" Although the panasonic earphone is also very neutral, the main difference is on sound discrimination"

"unfortunately apple music doesn’t deal with lossless audio"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about wire aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"M50x is even more portable because of the detachable cables"

"The 3 cables are great and thick "

"Cons - Proprietary detachable cable but they give you 3 cables so I don't think that will be a problem"

" The quality of the three bundled wires is top notch, as are the cans themselves"

"3 different length cables and a soft, equally appealing carry pouch completes the package"

" Cable connectors are proprietary"

" They are not cable-free or as light as the Bluetooth Sony MDR-1BT, but the ATH-M50X sound much better"

Headset Design Over the Head
Brand Audio Technica
Wired/Wireless Wired
Headphone Type Over the Ear (Circumaural), Closed Back
Model ID ATH-M50x
In Sales Package Headphone, Interchangeable Cables: Detachable 1.2 m - 3.0 m Coiled Cable, Detachable 3.0 m Straight Cable and Detachable 1.2 m Straight Cable, Protective Carrying Pouch, 6.3 mm Screw-on Adapter
Color Black
Magnet Type Neodymium
Maximum Power Input 1600 mW
Other Performance Features Exceptional Clarity Throughout an Extended Frequency Range, Deep Accurate Bass Response, Sound Isolation
Sensitivity 99 dB/mW (Power On)
Impedance 38 ohm (Power On)
Headphone Driver Units 45 mm
Deep Bass Yes
Frequency Response 15 - 28000 Hz
Bluetooth No
Weight 285 g (without cord)
Width x Height x Depth 29 x 25.4 x 10.4 mm
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defect
Warranty Summary 1 Year Domestic Limited Warranty
Warranty Service Type Carry In
Not Covered in Warranty Physical Damage
Headphone Jack 3.5 mm, 6.3 mm (Adapter)
Connector Plating Gold Plated
Cord Type 3 m Straight Cable Cord
Additional Features Wired Connectivity, 45 mm Headphone Drive Units, Over the Head, Neodymium Magnet, 1600 mW Max Power Input at 1 kHz, Over the Ear Headphone, Circumaural Headphones
Product Id HPH86635

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