
HP B4B09PA Wired Headset (Black)

  • HP B4B09PA Wired Headset (Black)
  • HP B4B09PA Wired Headset (Black)

HP B4B09PA Wired Headset (Black)

over ear , over the head , noise cancellation , wired ,
  • 47
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 3.7
    star rating by 84
  • #50
    brand rank in this budget

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of HP B4B09PA Wired Headset (Black) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.8 - 9.3
8.3 - 8.8
6.7 - 7.5
8.2 - 8.6
7.5 - 8.3
9.2 - 9.5
5 - 6.7

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Low budget good headphone"

"sorry i havent got it from flipkart i got it free from my laptop but wanted to review its a very durable headphone for rough users like me, tho its sound got a bit messed up after 1 year after many crashes and drops but i doubt anyone handled it so rough as i did"

"The headset worked fine for 1 day, from the 2nd day whenever the microphone jack was inserted it started giving static feedback"

" The headphone was working ok although the volume was quite low compared to the output of the 1st day"

" The build of the headset was fine for the meager Rs"

" Max Volume: will blow your ears off"

"Error : the headphone is not over the ear as advertised rather it is on the ear"

"Voice, microphone and build is OK, however it's very uncomfortable on ears for even 30 mins"

"I would not recommend this ear phone"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about comfort aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" It is not very comfortable for prolonged usage, ie, not more than 2 hours"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about durability aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Very Much Durable"

"sorry i havent got it from flipkart i got it free from my laptop but wanted to review its a very durable headphone for rough users like me, tho its sound got a bit messed up after 1 year after many crashes and drops but i doubt anyone handled it so rough as i did"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about microphone aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" if u had used it carefully it will keep on working as usual as new as my mic is still working well and good after one year "

"Dislike : The mic is of poor quality but cannot expect more from this price range"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about service aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Great service by Flipkart. flimsy product by HP"

"The star rating accompanying the review is for the product only which gets 1 star (it is not possible to give below that) & Flipkart gets 5 star for its amazing service"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about sound aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Sound quality is awesome"

" The headphone was working ok although the volume was quite low compared to the output of the 1st day"

" Max Volume: will blow your ears off"

"sorry i havent got it from flipkart i got it free from my laptop but wanted to review its a very durable headphone for rough users like me, tho its sound got a bit messed up after 1 year after many crashes and drops but i doubt anyone handled it so rough as i did"

" Maximum sound quality limited"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about wire aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Wire is long enough but not very long"

Headset Design Over the Head
Brand HP
Number of Pins 1
Wired/Wireless Wired
Type of Headset Over the Ear
Model ID B4B09PA
Color Black
In Sales Package Headset
Warranty Summary 1 Year from HP India
Product Id HPH118049

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