This is how Kcl brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Kcl products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Kcl in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Cups | 4 |
6 - 10.8 cups |
Weight | 1 KG |
0.98 - 1.4 kg |
Material | Stainless Stel |
Sales Package | 1 Coffee Maker |
Brand | KCL |
Model | Percolator |
Type | Filter Coffee Maker |
Color | Silver |
Covered In Warranty | Manufacturing Defects |
Warranty Summary | Complete Replacement in Case of Manufacturing defect or shipping damage |
Service Type | Customer Needs To mail us |
Not Covered In Warranty | Warranty Does Not Cover Damages Caused Due To Negligence And Mishandeling Of The Product. |
Weight | 1 kg |
Anti-drip Valve | No |
Steam Nozzle | Yes |
Water Level Indicator | No |
Cups | 4 cups |
Product Id | COF63805 |
#1 Philips HD7431/20 Coffee Maker (Black)
#2 Preethi CM210 Coffee Maker (Black)
#3 Philips HD7447/20 15 Cups Coffee Maker (Black)
#4 Preethi CM208 6 cups Coffee Maker (White)
#5 Oster BVSTDCUS 4 Cups Coffee Maker (Black)
#6 Usha CM3320 12 Cups Coffee Maker (Black)
#7 Preethi Zest White Coffee Maker (White)
#8 Preethi CM 210 Coffee Maker
#9 Brahmas PE 24 (only for USA & Canada) 15 cups Coffee Maker (Black)