Preethi is ranked 2 with 41.07% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Cups | 6 |
6 - 10.8 cups |
Power Consumption | 450 W |
450 - 675 W |
Sales Package | Coffee Maker |
Removable Filter | Yes |
Material | Polypropylene, Polyester Mono Filament |
Filter Type | Mesh Filter |
Brand | Preethi |
Model | CM208 |
Type | Filter Coffee Maker |
Color | White |
Power Input | 230 V |
Power Consumption | 450 W |
Cord length | 215 cm |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Height | 264 mm |
Width | 233 mm |
Depth | 157 mm |
Covered In Warranty | Manufacturing defects |
Warranty Summary | 1 Year Preethi Warranty and Life long Free Service |
Cups | 6 cups |
Additional Features | Material of Body : Polypropylene Co-polymer, Lid Material : Polypropylene Co-polymer, Jar Material : Stainless Steel, Jar Capacity : 500 ml, Quantity of Coffee Produced with Max Quantity : 450 ml, Quantity of Coffee Produced with Min Quantity : 250 ml, Time to Prepare Max Quantity of Coffee : 5 - 8 ...View More Material of Body : Polypropylene Co-polymer, Lid Material : Polypropylene Co-polymer, Jar Material : Stainless Steel, Jar Capacity : 500 ml, Quantity of Coffee Produced with Max Quantity : 450 ml, Quantity of Coffee Produced with Min Quantity : 250 ml, Time to Prepare Max Quantity of Coffee : 5 - 8 minutes, Time to Prepare Min Quantity of Coffee : 3 - 5 minutes, Temperature of Supporting Surface : 350 C ± 10 %, Thermal Efficiency : 70 % ± 5 %, Safety Devices : Thermostat, Thermal Fuse and Pilot Lamp, Heat Resistant High Grade Plastic, Microfine Filter for Fine Decoction, Accurate Temperature Control, Heat Sensitive Thermal Fuse |
Product Id | COF63753 |
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#2 Preethi CM210 Coffee Maker (Black)
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#8 Preethi CM 210 Coffee Maker
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