
Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)

  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)
  • Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)

Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g)

isometric , 95.3 sq/in head , light head balance , intermediate playing level , strung , graphite body , 90 gm , g4 grip size , adults , stiff flexibility ,
  • 55
    SortWiz.AI spec score (of 100)
  • 4
    star rating by 306
  • #1
    brand rank in this budget
Yonex is ranked 1 with 87.58% popularity

This is how Yonex brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Yonex products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Yonex in different price segments.

This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.

  This Product Similar Products
Head Size
95.3 SQ/IN
95 - 95.5 sq/in
Even Balanced - Heavy Head
Playing Level
Beginner - Intermediate
Body Material
Aluminium - Graphite
90 GM
88.8 - 90 gm
Medium - Stiff

This is how user sentiment of various aspects of Yonex Nanoray 7000i G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (White, Red, Weight - 90 g) compares with similar products. Green indicates that sentiment is as good or better than other similar products. Red indicates worse user sentiment compared to competition.

Click on aspects to read sentences which influenced the sentiment scores below.

 Review Aspect This Product Similar Products
8.7 - 9.3
3.8 - 3.8
9.3 - 9.4

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about overall aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

"Nice racquet but the string came off in just 15days, that could be disappointing"

"Nice racket as expected"

"Superb racket"

"Not a very good racquet"

"this racquet is not good for intermediate playing level the base gutting is very bad the racquet has bad shock absorbers whenever you hit a smash the you will have a vibrating felling this racquet is basically for beginner level if you are a intermediate player and love to hit smashes then never go for this racquet i recommend to buy yonex nanoray 9000ld and above nanoray racquets or carbonex 8000 and above and voltric series"

" Racquet is quite stiff and guts have high tension"

" After u take up your own shots, it gives u a lot of vibrations and make u feel inconvenient"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about cover aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" The cover is also very durable"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about string aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" Racquet is quite stiff and guts have high tension"

These are the sentences extracted from user reviews talking about weight aspect. Click on review lines to read full reviews.

" light weight"

Sales Package 1 Badminton Racquet
Number of Contents in Sales Package Pack of 1
Type Badminton Racquet
Series nanoray
Ideal For Junior, Senior
Sport Type Badminton
Playing Level Intermediate
Cover Full Cover
Head Size 95.3 sq/in
Grip Size G4
Grip Material Syntetic
Shaft Material Durable Frame
Head Shape Isometric
Other Body Features Durable Frame Provides Stability
Blade Material Graphite
Height 20.5 inch
Beam Width 20 mm
Product Id BDR148164

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