Livpure is ranked 2 with 15.11% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Capacity | 8.5 L |
7 - 8 ltr |
Auto Shut Off | Yes |
Other Convenience Features | Overflow Protection, Auto Start |
Membrane Type | 75/80 GDP |
Type | Electrical & Storage Water Purifier |
Capacity | Total Capacity 8.5 L |
Purification Method | RO + UV |
Power Requirement | 140-300 V AC/47-53 HZ |
Operating Voltage | 24 V |
Covered in Warranty | The Product Is Warranted Against Any Manufacturing Defects Arising Out Of Any F A U L T Y O R D E F E C T I V E M A T E R I A L O N Workmanship For A Period Of 12 Months From The Date Of Final Invoice To Customer Commitment Shall Be Applicable. |
Service Type | On-Site |
Not Covered in Warranty | Damage |
Net Weight | 8 kg |
W x H x D | 330 x 440 x 575 mm |
Sales Package | 1 Water Purifier |
Product Id | WPF70010 |
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#2 Kent Ace Mineral RO TM 7 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier (White)
#3 Kent Maxx 7 L UV + UF Water Purifier (White & Blue)
#4 Livpure Pep Pro++ 7 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier (Blue)
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#7 Kent Grand 8 L RO + UV Water Purifier (White)
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#9 Eureka Forbes Aquasure Nano RO 4 L RO Water Purifier (White)