This is how 446325 brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all 446325 products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from 446325 in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Capacity | 15 L |
7 - 8 ltr |
Warranty Summary | 1 year offsite warranty on electronic parts |
Warranty Type | 1 year offsite warranty on electronic parts |
Service Type | Company Will Provide SMPS and UV Chowk by courier. |
Covered In Warranty | Warranty Of The Product Is Limited To Manufacturing Defects Only. |
Not Covered In Warranty | Membrane, sediment,pre carbon, post carbon, UV |
Brand | Aqua Active |
Product Code | HOMSWIFT-RED-10ATOM168678C85CC377 |
Color | White |
Type | Electrical |
Capacity | 15 L |
Purification Technology | 100GPD RO+UV+UF+TDS+MI+MS+Anti Scallent+Iron Removar+Alkaline water purifie with Copper Binding boster pump |
Model Name | Swift Grand 100GPD RO+UV+UF+TDS+MI+MS+Anti Scallent+Iron Removar+Alkaline water purifie with Copper Binding boster pump |
Input Water Temperature | 10 |
Filter Life | 20000 |
Membrane Type | Food Safe::Non Toxic::Engineering Grade ABS |
Other Body Features | PHILIPS UV MECHANISM |
In Sales Package | 1 Water Purifier, inlet valve, pipe,Pre-Filter Set and tap. |
Customer Service No. | For customer support number <a href= target=blank>Click Here</a> |
Estimated Arrival | 5 - 8 days |
Return Policy | Seller will accept returns within a 15 days from date of delivery of the item only in the case of damaged, defective or wrong products received |
Product Id | WPF335593 |
#1 Kent Ace+ 7 L RO + UF Water Purifier (Blue)
#2 Kent Ace Mineral RO TM 7 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier (White)
#3 Kent Maxx 7 L UV + UF Water Purifier (White & Blue)
#4 Livpure Pep Pro++ 7 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier (Blue)
#5 Kent Grand Plus TDS 8 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier (White)
#6 Aquaguard Crystal Plus UV Water Purifier (White)
#7 Kent Grand 8 L RO + UV Water Purifier (White)
#8 Aquaguard Enhance UV+UF (White & Grey)
#9 Eureka Forbes Aquasure Nano RO 4 L RO Water Purifier (White)