Stag is ranked 1 with 97.06% popularity |
This is how Stag brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Stag products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Stag in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Beginner - Advanced |
Spin | 70 |
70 - 73 spin |
Speed | 78 |
78 - 79 speed |
Control | 97 |
97 control |
Speed | 78 |
Spin | 70 |
Control | 97 |
Sport Type | Table Tennis |
Type | Table Tennis Racquet |
Value | Causes Less Vibration, For Professional Playing Level |
Body Material | Rubber, Wood |
Other Body Features | Better Grip, Comfortable Handle |
Product Id | TTP122402 |
#1 Stag 4 Star Table Tennis Racquet (Weight - 70 g)
#2 Stag 2 Star G4 Unstrung Table Tennis Racquet (Blue, Red, Weight - 148 g)
#3 NOPEUS TOP SPIN BLUE Table Tennis Racquet (Black, Red, Weight - 169 g)
#4 NOPEUS SMASH ORANGE Table Tennis Racquet (Black, Red, Weight - 169 g)
#5 NOPEUS CROSS OVER ORANGE Table Tennis Racquet (Black, Red, Weight - 169 g)
#6 NOPEUS BOUNCE GREEN Table Tennis Racquet (Black, Red, Weight - 169 g)
#7 Toppro 5 Star G4 Strung Table Tennis Racquet (Multicolor, Weight - 85 g)
#8 Xs Vixen 3 Star G4 Unstrung Table Tennis Racquet (Multicolor, Weight - 300 g)
#10 Stag 2 Star Table Tennis Racquet-Black And Red