Pigeon is ranked 2 with 21.75% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Capacity | 4 SLICE |
2 - 2.4 slice |
Brand | Pigeon |
Model ID | 12411 |
Slice Capacity | 4 |
Cooking Plate | Teflon |
Color | Black |
Power Consumption | 750 W |
Warranty Summary | 1 Year Compqany Warranty |
Service Type | Onsite Warranty |
Not Covered in Warranty | Breakage etc due to mishandling |
Covered in Warranty | Warranty is Limited to manufacture defects only |
Product Id | SWM219284 |
#1 Kenstar KTG02KGP-DBH Grill (Black)
#2 Pigeon Sandwich Toaster Toast (White)
#3 Kenstar KTY02KSS-DBH Sandwich Maker (Black)
#4 Pigeon Favourite Sandwich Griller (White)
#5 Nova 2 Slice Grill Maker NSG 2438 (Black)
#6 Pigeon 12412 Grill
#8 Nova 2 Slice Snack Magic NSM 2409/00 Sandwich Maker (Black)
#9 Prestige PSMFB Toast (Black)
#10 Lifelong LLSM114G Grill (Black)