Head is ranked 1 with 100% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Intermediate |
Weight | 135 GM |
0 gm |
Sport Type | Squash |
Playing Level | Advanced |
Strung | Yes |
Type | Squash Racquet |
Ideal For | Men |
Number of Contents in Sales Package | Pack of 1 |
Sales Package | 1 Squash Racquet |
Grip Size | G4 |
Product Id | SQR132591 |
#1 Head MicroGel 110 Speed Strung Squash Racquet (Weight - 110)
#2 Prince Pro Airstick Lite 550 G4 Strung Squash Racquet (Red, Black, Weight - 130 g)
#3 Head Nano Ti 120 Strung Squash Racquet (Weight - 120)
#4 Head Graphene Xt Xenon 120 G4 Strung Squash Racquet (Green, Black, Weight - 120 g)
#5 Head Microgel 125 Squash Racquet
#7 Dunlop Apex 110 Raquet (Black/White)
#8 Dunlop Biomimetic Evolution 130 HL Standard Strung Squash Racquet (Blue, Weight - 130g)
#9 Tecnifibre Dynergy 117 Strung Squash Racquet
#10 Dunlop Biomimetic Ultimate HL Squash Racquet