Strontium is ranked 6 with 2.22% popularity |
This is how Strontium brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Strontium products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Strontium in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Storage Capacity | 8 GB |
8 - 16 gb |
Weight | 5.9 GM |
4.6 - 9 gm |
Interface | USB 2.0 |
Brand | Strontium |
Capacity (GB) | 8 GB |
Model | Ammo |
OS Supported | Windows, Mac Os, Linux Etc |
Case Material | Metal |
USB on the go | No |
Color | Silver |
Weight | 5.9 g |
Covered in Warranty | Manufacture Defect Or Technical Issue |
Warranty Summary | 5 Year Strontium Warranty |
Service Type | Customer needs to contact Brand Customer Care to get the defective product replaced |
Not Covered in Warranty | Warranty invalid if damage/dysfunction caused by improper handling/usage, destruction. Warranty invalid if disassemble by end-user or non-authorized repair centres. This Limited Warranty does not cover any software applications or programs. |
Value | 1 Pendrive, 1 Key Chain |
Product Id | SPE127322 |
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#2 Kingston DataTraveler SE9 32 GB Utility Pendrive (Silver)
#3 SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 16 GB Flash Drive (Black)
#4 HP V 215 B 16 GB Utility Pendrive (Multicolor)
#5 HP V-210 W - 16 GB Utility Pendrive (Grey)
#6 Sony Micro Vault USM16M1/W 16 GB Pen Drive (White)
#7 Sony USM16GR/BZ IN 31300492 16 GB Pen Drive (Black)
#8 Toshiba Hayabusa 8 GB Pen Drive
#9 Sony Micro Vault USM16GR 16 GB Pen Drive (White)