Outsmart is ranked 11 with 2.31% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Display Size | 1.44 INCH |
1.54 - 1.56 inch |
Display Type | LCD DISPLAY |
Sales Package | 1 Smartwatch, 1 USB Changer |
Model Number | WS0001 |
Model Name | WS01 |
Dial Color | Multicolor |
Dial Shape | Square |
Strap Color | Multicolor |
Strap Material | Silicone |
Touchscreen | Yes |
Water Resistant | No |
Usage | Watchphone |
Dial Material | Stainless Steel |
Ideal For | Men, Women |
Compatible Device | Android, iOS (Limited Functions |
Notification | Missed Call, SMS |
Notification Type | Vibration |
Talk time | 6 hr |
Battery Type | 380 mAh |
Battery Life | 1 year |
Charger Type | USB Cable |
Stand By Time | 90 hr |
Compatible Operating System | Android, iOS |
Call Function | Yes |
Bluetooth | Yes |
Operating Range | 10 m |
Call Features | Accept Reject Calls |
Display Resolution | 240*240 pixel |
Display Size | 1.44 inch |
Display Type | Ultra HD LCD |
Primary Camera | .3 MP |
Other Display Features | 3 Clock Designs |
Step Count | Yes |
Date & Time Display | Date and Time |
Alarm Clock | Yes |
Other Watch Functions | Calculator, Audio Player, Sound Recording, Anti Lost Feature, Remote Phone Camera Operation |
Speaker | 1 Speaker |
Microphone | 1 Microphone |
Supported Audio Format | MP3 |
Video Features | Video Recording |
Supported Video Format | MP4 |
Weight | 75 g |
Product Id | SMW224500 |
#1 Zakk DZ_09 Smartwatch (Brown Strap)
#2 Zakk DZ 09 With Sim Card Support Smartwatch (Brown Strap S-L)
#3 OPTA Sim Card and Memory cards Supported Smart Watch Android and IOS series Smartwatch (Black Strap)
#4 Oktata DZ09 Fitness watch with Sim White Smartwatch (White Strap)
#5 Outsmart with SIM card, 32GB memory card slot, Bluetooth and Fitness Tracker Smartwatch (Brown Strap)
#6 Celestech WS02 with SIM, 32 GB MEMORY CARD SLOT, BLUETOOTH and FITNESS TRACKER Smartwatch (Brown Strap)
#7 Celestech WS01 with SIM and 32 GB Memory Card Slot and Fitness Tracker Smartwatch (Black Strap)
#8 Influx ® SIM-TF Card Support Camera Gold Smartwatch (Black Strap Free)
#9 Oktata DZ09 Brown Smartwatch (Brown Strap)