Adata is ranked 6 with 0.26% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Storage Capacity | 2 TB |
2 tb |
Brand | A-DATA |
Model | AHV620-2TU3-CWH |
Model Year | 2014 |
Item Weight | 231 g |
Product Dimensions | 7.8 x 11.5 x 2.1 cm |
Item model number | AHV620-2TU3-CWH |
Memory Storage Capacity | 2 TB |
Colour Screen | No |
Batteries Included | No |
Batteries Required | No |
Data Transfer Rate | 625 megabytes_per_second |
Includes Rechargable Battery | No |
| |
Product Id | SHD164399 |
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