Prestige is ranked 1 with 96.48% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Capacity | 7.5 L |
5 - 6 L |
Capacity | 7.5 litre |
Model Number | 20352 |
Lid Locking Mechanism | Outer Lid Locking Machanisum |
Dishwasher Safe | Yes |
Other Body and Design Features | Straight Wall Shape, Heavier Body, Precision Weight Valve |
Other Features | Pressure Indicator, Controlled GRS, Comfortable Handles |
Warranty Summary | 5 Years |
Product Id | PRC279636 |
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#3 Prestige Deluxe Plus Pressure Cooker-7.5 L
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#5 Prestige clip-on handi 5 L Pressure Cooker
#6 Kaviraj Aluminum Handis, 22 Litres, Silver
#7 Hawkins Futura 5 L Pressure Cooker (Aluminium)
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#10 Sumeet Metalina Pressure Cooker 7.5 Ltr With Pan 3.5 Ltr Without Lid