Advent is ranked 46 with 0.03% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Battery Capacity | 2600 MAH |
9958.33 - 12000 mah |
Lithium Ion |
Weight | 80 GM |
60.52 - 180.05 gm |
Output Power | 5 V |
5 v |
Connectors | Micro |
Brand | Advent |
Designed For | Most Micro USB Equipped Phone, iPhones, MP3 Players, USB Devices |
Power Supply | DC 5V, 1A |
Model Number | E110i_W |
Battery Capacity | 2600 mAh |
Model Name | Portable Charger |
Output Power | 5V, 1A |
Power Source | AC Adadpter |
Battery Type | Lithium-ion |
Color | White |
Weight | 80 g |
Height | 109 mm |
Width | 23 mm |
Depth | 23 mm |
Covered in Warranty | Warranty of the product is limited to manufacturing defects only. |
Warranty Summary | 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty |
Warranty Service Type | In case of any issue with the product customer may call on 0124-4253604. 1. Incase of Manufacturing Defect, Partial Delivery, Dead on Arrival, Please inform immediately, we will arrange reverse pickup of the product & will send replacement. 2. The product under warranty would be repaired & send bac...View More In case of any issue with the product customer may call on 0124-4253604. 1. Incase of Manufacturing Defect, Partial Delivery, Dead on Arrival, Please inform immediately, we will arrange reverse pickup of the product & will send replacement. 2. The product under warranty would be repaired & send back to the buyer. 3. Incase of obsolete, out of stock or non-availability of product or any part of the product, either complete replacement or similar product will be sent as replacement. |
Not Covered in Warranty | Warranty does not cover any external accessories |
Sales Package | Advent Power Bank, Micro USB Charging Cable |
Product Id | PBA74024 |
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