Transcend is ranked 1 with 100% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products |
Brand | Transcend |
Item Height | 3 Millimeters |
Item Width | 28 Millimeters |
Item Weight | 9 g |
Product Dimensions | 2.3 x 2.8 x 0.3 cm |
Item model number | TS256GJDL350 |
| |
Product Id | MEM58187 |
#1 Transcend JetDrive Lite 130 256GB Storage Expansion Card for 13-Inch MacBook Air (TS256GJDL130) by Transcend
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#4 Samsung Evo Plus 256GB UHS-I MicroSDXC Memory Card with Adapter
#5 Samsung EVO Plus microSDXC UHS-I Card
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#8 HP Voice and Smart Interface Card Adapters JD558A
#9 Lexar Professional 1066x 256GB CompactFlash card LCF256CRBNA1066
#10 Sony 128GB XQD Memory Card G Series 400MB/s (QDG128A/J)