iFlash is ranked 16 with 0.01% popularity |
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Sales Package | 1 Unit iFlash Drive HD MicroSD Card Reader |
Brand | Iflash |
Interface and Installation | USB 3.0, Download iStick Application from Apple App Store |
Type | MicroSD Card Reader Storage |
Card Slots | 1 |
Model Name | iFlash Drive HD MicroSD |
Color | White |
Other Compatible Cards | Compact Flash Cards |
Adapter Compatible Cards | Micro SD |
Card-to-Card Transfer | No |
Data Transfer Rate | 100 Mbps Reading Rate, 50 Mbps Writing Rate |
System Requirement | Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Mac OS |
External Power Required | No |
Cable | No |
Warranty Summary | 1 Year Software Warranty |
Covered in Warranty | Software Issue |
Not Covered in Warranty | Hardware Faults |
Warranty Service Type | Customer needs to contact seller |
Product Id | MEM56536 |
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