Sonics is ranked 10 with 1.19% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products |
Warranty Summary | 1 year |
Warranty Type | Manufacturer |
Brand | Sonics |
Product Code | HOMCALLER-ID-TESONI76625670E2D48 |
Model Id | HT-747 WHITE |
Set Contents | 1 Pc |
Speaker Phone | Yes |
Speed Dial | Yes |
Color | White |
Type | Corded Phone |
Product Dimension (In CM) | 21x20.5x6.5 (LxBxH) |
Estimated Arrival | 5 - 8 days |
Return Policy | Seller will accept returns within 7 days from date of delivery of the item only in case of damaged, defective or wrong products received |
Product Id | LPH52010 |
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