Insta is ranked 31 with 0.04% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Power Consumption | 450 W |
750 - 1000 W |
Weight | 2.4 KG |
0.7 - 0.9 kg |
Sales Package | IRON, HANDLE, POWER CORD |
Brand | Insta |
Model | Laundry (2.4 KG WITH POWER CORD) |
Type | Dry |
Color | Black |
Soleplate type | Tipped Chrome Plated Iron Alloy |
Temperature Control | No |
Indicator Light | No |
Spray | No |
Steam Burst | No |
Self Cleaning | No |
Cord length | 2.5 m |
Cordless | No |
Automatic shut-off | No |
Power Consumption | 450 W |
Height | 7 cm |
Width | 13 cm |
Depth | 20 cm |
Weight | 2.4 kg |
Service Type | Customer need to contact service help line number, the service centre support may advise customer to send product to service centre or get it picked up themselves which ever is possible, to get the product inspected and repaired. |
Covered In Warranty | Manufacturing Defects Only. |
Not Covered In Warranty | There is no warranty of heating element and handle as these are consumable parts. |
Product Id | IRO134598 |
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