This is how Intex brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Intex products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Intex in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Total Power Output | 50 W |
300 - 330 W |
Amplifier Output | 60 W |
70 - 188 W |
USB Ports | 1 PORT(S) |
1 usb |
HDMI Ports | 1 PORT(S) |
1 hdmi |
Brand | Intex |
Channel | 4.1 |
Player Type | DVD |
Model Number | IT-RIDER SUF |
Supported Device | MP3 Player, TV, Laptop |
Speaker Type | Home Cinema |
Technology Used | bravia |
Value | 1 Home Theatre System |
Number of HDMI Ports | 1 |
Number of USB Ports | 1 |
Subwoofer Height | 300 mm |
Center Speaker Height | 0 mm |
Surround Speaker Height | 120 mm |
Center Speaker Weight | 0 kg |
Front Speaker Weight | 0 kg |
Front Speaker Depth | 0 mm |
Subwoofer Weight | 6.5 kg |
Surround Speaker Depth | 85 mm |
Front Speaker Width | 0 mm |
Subwoofer Depth | 340 mm |
Subwoofer Width | 250 mm |
Center Speaker Depth | 0 mm |
Center Speaker Width | 0 mm |
Front Speaker Height | 0 mm |
Surround Speaker Width | 100 mm |
Surround Speaker Weight | 2 kg |
Digital Amplifier | Yes |
Amplifier Output | 60 W |
Total Number of Speakers | 4 |
Number of Centre Spreakers | 0 |
Number of Surround Speakers | 4 |
Signal To Noise Ratio | 50 dB |
Number of Subwoofers | 1 |
Audio Formats | MP3 |
Number of Front Speakers | 0 |
Dolby Digital | No |
Minimum Frequency Response | 50 Hz |
Maximum Frequency Response | 20000 Hz |
Power Consumption | 50 W |
Power Requirement | 220-240v |
Video Formats | MPEG2 |
Drive Type | DVD |
3D Compatibility | No |
Product Id | HTH63438 |
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