FOURSTAR is ranked 4 with 1.14% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Heat Settings | 2 |
2 heat |
Speed Settings | 2 |
2 speed |
Power Consumption | 1000 W |
910 - 1000 W |
Removable Filter | Yes |
Value | Hair Dryer |
Brand | FOURSTAR |
Number of Heat Settings | 2 |
Model Number | NV-1290 |
Number of Speed Settings | 2 |
Color | Multicolour |
Weight | 219 g |
Height | 1000 inch |
Power Required (Volts) | 220-240 v50 hz |
Power Consumption (Watts) | 1000 W |
Foldable | Yes |
Product Id | HDY190057 |
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#4 Nova Silky Shine 1300 w Hot and cold Foldable NHP 8103 Hair Dryer (Red)
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#7 icare Ultra Dry ICHD1 Hair Dryer (Silver)
#9 Gifthub GH-658 Hair Dryer (Multicolor)
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