This is how 392170 brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all 392170 products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from 392170 in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Height | 15 INCH |
0 inch |
Brand | A R |
Product Code | SPOA-R-CRICKET-AROR725202664ABBB |
Package Contents | Pack Of 1 |
Weight (Grm) | 780 |
Disclaimer | Product Color May Slightly Vary Due to Photographic Lighting Sources or Your Monitor Settings & Color Will Be Send As Per Availability. |
Type | Batting Pad |
Size | M |
Ideal For | Men;Women |
Color | White |
Playing Level | Professional |
Estimated Arrival | 5 - 8 days |
Return Policy | Seller will accept returns within a 15 days from date of delivery of the item only in the case of damaged, defective or wrong products received |
Product Id | CRP287193 |
#1 SG Optipro Youth Batting Legguards
#2 SS Club Plus Men's RH Batting Legguard (White)
#3 Cw Batting Pad Striker Light Weight
#4 CW Batting Pad Skipper for Juniors
#5 SG Nexus Boys Batting Legguards
#6 BAS Super Club Men's PVC Cricket Batting Pads (Size: Men, Green)
#7 SG Nexus Youth Batting Legguards
#8 GM 202 Batting Legguard (Mens)
#9 Cw Batting Pad Skipper For Seniors