Birdblue is ranked 1 with 18.92% popularity |
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This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Beginner - Advanced |
Body Material | PVC BODY |
Quantity | 2 |
2 pieces |
Sales Package | Sport Glove |
Number of Contents in Sales Package | Pack of 2 |
Type | Batting Gloves |
Ideal For | Men, Women |
Playing Level | Professional |
Sport Type | Cricket |
Material | PVC |
Right Hand Gloves | Yes |
Left Hand Gloves | Yes |
Full Fingered | Yes |
Color | WhiteYellow |
Palm | Calf Leather Palm |
Padding | Foam Padding |
Thumb | Two Piece Thumb |
Ventilation | Gusset |
Product Id | CRG107895 |
#2 SG Campus Batting Gloves (M)
#3 Spartan All Saber Wicket Keeping Gloves (L, Multicolor)
#4 Neo strike Pro550mens Batting Gloves (Men, Black, Red)
#5 Cosco Club Batting Gloves (L, Blue, Black)
#6 RED-X DATTASON Wicket Keeping Gloves (Boys, Multicolor)
#7 Kookaburra Cotton Padded Batting Gloves (L, Black, White, Yellow)
#8 Vinex Practice Wicket Keeping Gloves
#9 SM Club StarBatting Gloves
#10 Sigma Match Batting Gloves Men