ABASR is ranked 3 with 11.11% popularity |
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This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Weight | 0.5 KG |
0.82 - 1.4 kg |
Weight Supported | 10 KG |
10 kg |
Type | 2-in-1 Walker |
Weight | 500 g |
Height | 10 mm |
Width | 4 mm |
Depth | 5 mm |
Sales Package | 1 Walker |
Product Id | BWA162228 |
#1 Mothertouch Round Walker (Pink)
#3 Kiddale Baby or Kids Safety Belt or Walking Assistant cum Walker
#4 New Natraj Chickoo Rider (Red)
#5 Belle Maison Walking Wings (Blue)
#6 Little Tikes Little Tikes Activity Garden Pop N Walk, Multi Color
#7 Bs Spy Baby Walking Learning Assistant Adjustable Size Safety Harness (Multicolor)
#8 Dash baby activity walker