Chicco is ranked 1 with 100% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Weight | 5.5 KG |
0 kg |
Foldable | Yes |
Age Group | 6 - 24 Months |
Type | Activity Walker |
Assembly Required | Yes |
Ideal For | Boys, Girls |
Weight | 5500 g |
Height | 800 mm |
Width | 150 mm |
Depth | 670 mm |
Brakes | Yes |
Other Features | It Contain Funny Animals to Entertain Your Child with Two Holes to Carry Cup or Feeding Bottle, 3 - Position Adjustable Height, Ultra - Compact When Closed, You Can Personalize the Plate with Your Child's Name |
Height Adjustment | Yes |
Height Adjustment Type | 3 Position |
Other Body Features | Lift - Up Play Bar, with Lots of Activities for Endless Fun, Safety Brakes and Swivel Wheels |
Sales Package | 1 Walker |
Product Id | BWA129453 |
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