Chicco is ranked 1 with 100% popularity |
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This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Weight | 10.5 KG |
0 kg |
Weight Supported | 12 KG |
14 kg |
Foldable | Yes |
Age Group | 6 - 36 Months |
Type | 2-in-1 Walker |
Ideal For | Girls, Boys |
Sound Support | Yes |
Weight Supported | 12 kg |
Weight | 10500 g |
Height | 31.25 inch |
Width | 29.37 inch |
Depth | 9.6 inch |
Other Wheel Features | Number of Wheels: 4 |
Wheel Type | Lockable Castor Wheels |
Other Features | Easy and Compact Folding |
Safety Features | 7 Safety Stoppers, Wheels with Anti-slip Rubber |
Height Adjustment | Yes |
Height Adjustment Type | 3 Positions |
Other Body Features | High and Padded Backrest, Rounded Design, Electronic Toy Panel, Comfortable and Cocooning Seat |
Number of Contents in Sales Package | 1 |
Sales Package | 1 Walker |
Product Id | BWA129450 |
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