This is how Rsl brand compares against other brands across various price points. This ranking is based on popularity of all Rsl products in that price range. Click to see top 10 products from Rsl in different price segments.
This is how this product specs compares against average specs in this price range. Green indicates that specs are on par or better than competition. Red indicates sub par specs compared to competition.
This Product | Similar Products | |
Head Size | 54 SQ/IN |
95.3 sq/in |
Intermediate - Advanced |
Weight | 82 GM |
81.2 - 83 gm |
Playing Level | Advanced, Training, Recreational, Intermediate, Beginner |
Type | Badminton Racquet |
Cover | None |
Ideal For | Men, Women |
Beam Width | 10 mm |
Height | 27 inch |
Number of Contents in Sales Package | Pack of 1 |
Head Size | 54 sq/in |
Grip Size | G2 |
Product Id | BDR106356 |
#1 Apacs Stern 878 Badminton Racket
#2 Ashaway Superlight 6 G2 Unstrung Badminton Racquet (White, Black, Weight - 5U)
#3 Apacs SENSUOUS 999 G4 Unstrung Badminton Racquet (Multicolor, Weight - 85 g)
#4 Apacs Foray 800 Unstrung Badminton Racquet-Multicolor (Grip Size-G4)
#5 Apacs Stern 898 Badminton Racket
#6 Carlton Powerblade 9500 Pro G4 Strung Badminton Racquet (Silver, Weight - 3U)
#7 Li-Ning Gforce 1500 Unstrung Badminton Racquet
#8 Apacs Tantrum Shot 989 Unstrung Badminton Racquet with Free Kit Bag And Tshirt
#9 Apacs Feather weight 100 Badminton racquet(unstrung) With Free Bag + 1 Karakal Over Grip(color may Vary)