Daikin is ranked 2 with 28.57% popularity |
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This Product | Similar Products | |
Energy Rating | 5 STAR |
3 - 5 star |
Capacity | 1.5 TON |
1.5 - 2 ton |
Brand | Daikin |
Model | FT50MV16 |
Energy Efficiency | 5 Star Rating |
Capacity | 1.5 tons |
Installation Type | Split |
Part Number | FT50MV16 |
Colour | White |
Control Console | Remote Control |
Voltage | 230 Volts |
Wattage | 2000 Watts |
Batteries Required | No |
| |
Product Id | ACO14482 |
#1 Mitsubishi MS-GK18VA Cooling Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, White)
#2 LG LSA5NP5A L-Nova Plus Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, White)
#3 Samsung AR18KV5HBTR Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, Blue)
#4 Voltas 245 DY Delux Y Series Split AC (2 Ton, 5 Star Rating, White)
#5 LG LSA5AT5D L-Aura Terminator Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, White)
#6 Samsung AR18KC5HDWK Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, Plain)
#7 Samsung AR18KV5HBTQ Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, Lily Blue)
#8 Carrier Superia Split AC (2 Ton, 5 Star Rating, White)
#9 LG LSA5WT5D L-Energia Split AC (1.5 Ton, 5 Star Rating, Wine Red)